0:26 Endastöð óraunhæfra væntinga – Jóhannes Loftsson
Langt er í lok covidkrísunnar ef raunveruleg gagnrýnin umræða fer ekki fram.
13:17 The price of freedom - Andrzej AJ
Freedom of speech and freedom of choice does not exist in todays culture without a price.
27:55 Við getum læknað kvef! - Helgi Örn Viggósson
Afhjúpun fáranleikans innan lækna”vísindanna”.
39:58 Question the science or risk living in the Milgram experiment - Anna Lopatin
We are all responsible for questioning the science when it affects our life
48:55 Are we ready to wake up? - Lenka Lipkova
Another perspective on the covid crisis.